Our Partners

Bob and his team demand best-in-class solutions that improve your user experience while optimizing technical performance. We have carefully selected partners who are among the best financial technology companies in the industry.

charles schwab

Rest assured that at Rubin Wealth Advisors, the security of our clients’ assets is of utmost importance. We have partnered with Charles Schwab, a trusted custodian, to ensure the safekeeping of all our clients’ funds. As the custodian, Charles Schwab is responsible for holding and safeguarding our clients’ assets. Please note that Rubin Wealth Advisors will never directly hold any client’s assets. Your investments are in capable hands with our custodial partner, Charles Schwab. When you become a client, we work together to help you meet your financial goals and then execute those goals by directing Charles Schwab on your behalf.


Schwab offers user-friendly tools, such as their mobile app, which provide you with easy access to your account information. This app has been recognized as the top-ranked app for investors by JD Power, a trusted authority in customer satisfaction ratings. We truly value the level of service, support, and excellence that Schwab provides to our clients, and we are proud to align ourselves with their commitment to delivering exceptional tools and resources to help you stay informed and in control of your investments.


Understanding our personal tolerance for investment risk is crucial, but it can be challenging to accurately gauge. Our perception of risk may not always align with the reality. That’s where Bob and his team come in. They leverage the power of Riskalyze, an acclaimed technology, to help you better comprehend your comfort level with investment risk.


Riskalyze is a leading risk alignment platform that offers a unique advantage by providing a quantitative measurement of risk. By utilizing the Riskalyze Risk Number®, Bob and his team can objectively quantify the risk associated with your investments. This approach eliminates subjectivity and replaces ambiguous terms like “conservative” or “moderately aggressive” with a specific number ranging from 1 to 99. This simple yet powerful tool empowers you with a clear understanding of your risk profile.


At Rubin Wealth Advisors, we believe in leveraging cutting-edge technologies like Riskalyze to ensure that your investment strategy aligns with your comfort zone. By quantifying risk in a tangible way, we strive to provide you with the clarity and confidence needed to make informed investment decisions.


At Rubin Wealth Advisors, we genuinely care about you and your goals. Bob and his team value your trust and are committed to establishing and cultivating a long-term professional and personal relationship with you.

As fiduciaries, we hold ourselves to the highest standard of care and always prioritize your best interest. We are dedicated to acting in a manner that safeguards your financial well-being and aligns with your goals and objectives. With your best interest at the forefront of every decision we make, you can trust that our guidance and recommendations are unbiased, objective, and tailored specifically to your needs.


We are responsive and make ourselves available at all times. Our team strives to embody qualities such as ethics, intelligence, hard work, community involvement, generosity, and a conservative approach. We believe in being self-aware and maintaining a positive outlook on life. We only hire team members who share these values, aspirations, and unwavering commitment to serving our clients with the highest standards within the financial industry.

No BS… Just straight forward advice

Contact Bob, the Nation’s Predominant Politically Conservative Financial Advisor Today!

Call Bob @ (561) 288-1111

Email Bob @ Bob@RubinWA.com

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At Rubin Wealth Advisors, we understand that navigating the investment landscape can be daunting, particularly in these times when many feel uncertain about the direction our country is heading. That’s why we’ve incorporated the Nitrogen risk assessment process, a cutting-edge tool designed to align your financial portfolio with your personal risk tolerance.


Nitrogen, previously known as Riskalyze, is an innovative software program that precisely evaluates your willingness and ability to handle investment risk, quantifying it as a ‘Risk Number.’ This Risk Number, ranging from 1 to 99, reflects your comfort level with investment risk—the higher the number, the greater your tolerance. The unique aspect of Nitrogen is its reliance on Nobel Prize-winning computational methods, which ensure a high degree of accuracy far surpassing traditional, subjective risk profiling.

This process begins with a questionnaire that you complete, which feeds into Nitrogen’s sophisticated algorithm. The result is a Risk Number tailored specifically to you, offering a clear, objective view of your risk appetite.

But Nitrogen doesn’t stop there. It also assigns Risk Numbers to investment portfolios. This feature allows us to efficiently match your Risk Number with suitable investment options, ensuring that your portfolio is not only aligned with your risk tolerance but is also positioned to maximize potential returns.

In today’s volatile market, where many fear the progressive agenda is threatening the financial stability of our nation, Nitrogen provides a beacon of clarity. It’s a tool that empowers us at Rubin Wealth Advisors to safeguard your interests and investments. It allows us to conduct stress tests and scenario analyses, such as the impact of a bear market or high inflation, ensuring your portfolio remains resilient against uncertainties.

Originating in 2011 and now a market leader, Nitrogen has revolutionized the way risk is assessed in the financial sector. It is widely used by professionals across the U.S., attesting to its reliability and effectiveness.

In choosing Rubin Wealth Advisors, you’re not just selecting a financial advisor. You’re choosing a partner who understands your concerns in these challenging times and who is equipped with the best tools to secure your financial future. Discover your Risk Number with us and take the first step towards a portfolio that reflects your values and goals in this ever-changing world. Schedule an appointment today to explore how Nitrogen can work for you.